Freehand Life

Freehand Life

{art + innovation} #inspiration

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Life Summarized in a Mathematical Hypothesis

November 11, 2012

Conjecture Translation


Life does not equal only that 1 end-all/ be-all job, person, or whatever “win.”

Life is actually just renting time.


Multiply the amount of fun you’re having and remember to also give back a greater good for others.

Regardless, keep pushing forward infinitely.

Conjecture Expounded


Life isn’t only about achieving that one important job, dream person, or crucial win. Work hard for personal/professional goals, of course. Yet, what will you do when you have nothing else to prove to yourself or your social/familial network? How big is that sales deal or how critical is it to have that kitchen back splash tile imported from Italian quarries? All of the material accumulation, university credentials, and relationship realities do not define you completely.

News flash: we don’t actually own anything or anyone.


It does not really matter whether you’re living in a villa/shed or drive a luxury/junk car. Sure, have a standard minimum, but there’s no need to obsess. Someone else has likely relentlessly pursued that.

What will you really accept as your own Return on Investment (ROI)?

You can’t have 100% of that lover/friend/spouse/parent through 6 weeks or 60 years of a relationship either. Our unpredictable hearts cannot be contained. A lot of our “crazy” actions are actually driven by a steady current of subconscious emotions, poised to explode like a deluge while your logical mind has no idea what’s coming…


Pause to ponder this: All of life’s “critical” trials and triumphs reduce down to renting time. We are all borrowing approximately 80 years from Eternity as a gift. There are no guarantees, returns, or exchanges. Time is life’s only currency.

So, what are you going to do if we’re all just renting time on this wild ride? Shifting from living to renting re-frames my framework of urgency.

There is no need to get your panty/knickers knotted in an existential crisis.

Tune into your built in, internal compass.

You already have abundance around you.



Let Go/Fight For It.

Just keep persisting and pushing forward, no matter what.

No one has all the answers, which means you’re free to define what works for you. Everyone is fighting for his or her own happiness/joy/contentment at end of each day.

Remember: life is designed to be enjoyed.

Go forth. Give back.

Do well. Be well.